Tillerman Cycle #7: Seventeen Against the Dealer

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Product Overview

Author: Voigt, Cynthia

Series: The Tillerman Cycle

Paperback: 244 pages

Publisher: Atheneum Books


Dicey Tillerman has big dreams. She’s started a boatbuilding business, and she’s determined to prove she can succeed on her own. That’s why she resists the offer of help from Cisco, the mysterious stranger who turns up one day at her shop.

But running a business doesn’t leave much time for the people Dicey treasures—her grandmother, her younger siblings, and her boyfriend, Jeff. Then it turns out that Dicey has placed her trust with the wrong person. Suddenly she stands to lose everything....Has Dicey discovered too late what really matters to her?

Cynthia Voigt deftly navigates nuances of identity and resilience in this triumphant conclusion to her acclaimed Tillerman cycle.


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