PBB: An Environmental Disaster

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Product Overview

Author: Corbett,T. H.

Paperback: 252 pages

Publisher: Mission Point Press


PBB: An Environmental Disaster – Michigan Chemical Poisoning Reverberates 50 Years Later is intended to provide the reader with an understanding of the chemical catastrophe that occurred in Michigan in the 20th century, and to offer a cautionary tale for action in the 21st.

The book is organized into three general subject areas:
1) The geology and history of the region around St. Louis, Michigan.
2) The history of the Michigan Chemical Company, recounting the story of the PBB contamination disaster and the creation of an immense Superfund site.
3) A discussion of the biochemical and genomic factors through which toxic chemicals affect human health—even after 50 years.

The book concludes with a discussion of the effects of PBB and other Michigan Chemical products on Michigan’s environment and on the health of the Michigan Chemical employees, the residents of St. Louis, the region’s farmers and their families, and the Michigan consuming public during the years 1973–1977


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