Who Is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?

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Product Overview

Author: Buckley Jr., James

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

Paperback: 56 pages

Publisher: Penguin Workshop

Dwayne Johnson stands on the arm of a huge crane, hundreds of feet above a busy city street. In front of him, a skyscraper is on fire. He needs to get inside that burning building. His family is in there, held captive by armed villains.
Behind him, a group of men race to stop him. There is only one thing to do.
Bullets ping everywhere around him as Dwayne sprints toward the end of the crane. When he reaches it, he leaps, arms windmilling, legs churning in midair. He plummets toward his goal, an open window in the side of the building.
His powerful, muscular body smashes into the glass wall as his mighty hands grip the window ledge. Can he hold on?
He can! Dwayne climbs over broken glass to reach the inside of the building!
The director yells, “Cut!”
The scene in the movie Skyscraper was over. Dwayne stood up with a huge grin on his face. He had just filmed another amazing action—movie moment, one of dozens that have made him the biggest movie star on the planet. In more than twenty hugely popular films, Dwayne has used his oversize muscles—and a personality that is even bigger—to thrill and entertain fans.
A former pro wrestling star known as “The Rock,” Dwayne worked hard to become an actor. His inspiring story and constantly positive attitude have made him an international hero. More than 200 million people follow his Instagram feed, where he shares details of his life, and some of his wisdom, with the world. Dwayne believes “the road to success and greatness is always paved with hard work. Chase your greatness!”


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