Losing Dale: Reflections for a Son

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Product Overview

Author: Kompik, Barbara E.

Paperback: 61 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

My son was very, very sick the November of 2017, and entered the hospital with pneumonia. It quickly turned septic, and was put through a series of surgeries and hooked up to many machines to try to save his life. Day by day, we watched as Dale would pull through the regiment of medications, surgeries, and machines, to only watch as he slipped away from us, all the while on paralytics and sedation medication to keep his body still.After six weeks, he finally succumbed to the deadly infection. On December 19, 2017, he died.I came to be known as “Mama K”, affectionately, by many of the friends who came to visit Dale and try to speak to him through his silence.This book is a collection of thoughts and insights of mine as I watched my son die before my eyes, and later, as I tried to deal with the grief that would try to overtake my soul. Perhaps you will find some sort of comfort as you read through this little book.


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