ZZDNR_DIY Circus Lab for Kids: A Family- Friendly Guide for Juggling, Balancing, Clowning and Show-Making

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Product Overview

Author: Davis, Jackie Leigh

Grade Level: 4 - 9

Paperback: 152 pages

Publisher: Quarry Books

Veteran circus educator Jackie Leigh Davis takes you, step by step, through the props and skills you need to perform all the major circus arts:
  • Acrobatics, acrobalance, and human pyramids
  • Balance arts
  • Clowning
  • Gyroscopic and toss juggling
You’ll learn how to make juggling balls, a hoola hoop, a rola bola, a clown nose and hat, and a pair of poi, among other circus essentials. With these props, you’ll learn how to juggle, hoop, balance, perform clown gags, and more. Photo demonstrationsnumbered steps, and online tutorials ensure you’ll understand exactly how to make the props and perform the skills.
Did you know that a tight rope walker in Ancient Greece was called a funambulus? Or that female jugglers can be found pictured in 4,000-year-old hieroglyphs on the wall of an Egyptian tomb? DIYCircus Lab for Kids includes the history of each family of circus skills. “Circademics” sidebars explore the science and academics behind the circus activities, like how the brain changes when you learn how to juggle.
“Circussecrets” sidebars throughout connect circus arts to social and emotional skills, like listening, persistence, and asking for and giving help. Many of the skills in this book are safe enough for kids to do themselves, with a few requiring an adult “spotter” so families or classes can enjoy them together.
Once you’ve learned how to create your own circus with DIY Circus Lab for Kids, you can also: host a circus prop–making party, start a juggling club at school, clown at a senior center or daycare, start a community circus meet-up in a park, or integrate circus themes into your school's curriculum—the opportunities for circus fun are endless.


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