Climbing Out of A Joseph's Hole

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Product Overview

Author: Lavelle Jennings

Paperback: 44 pages 

Publishing: page publishing

The title of this book, Climbing Out of a Joseph's Hole, was given to me by God in the early stages of my divorce. God assured me at that time that he would bring me out better, wiser, and stronger than I could ever imagine. I even wrote down the date at that time with a written vision saying, "My family is now broken up, my car has been reposed, and my house is in foreclosure. But by the time I would have finished writing this book, God would have restored everything that I have lost and blessed me with more."


Well, here I am now over twenty years later with over twice as much as I had before. So God wants me to tell those who are going through a divorce that they can recover from divorce and come out more powerful, more experienced, and wiser than they ever could ever imagine themselves to be. And the most important of all is that they can have a closer and more intimate relationship with the Almighty God.


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